How to Know Where Your Money From Insurance Goes
There are fewer things more important than knowing where your money goes from insurance in private practice. Knowing where your money...
My Claim Was Rejected. Now What?
A claim rejection is when a claim doesn't actually arrive at the insurance company. A claim rejection occurs when there's a demographic...
3 Ways to Know When You Should Leave An Insurance Panel
As a therapist in private practice, you are no stranger to the multitudes of insurance companies that exist in the marketplace. You have...
3 Types of Insurance Reimbursement
Insurance Pay Day The hard part is over. Your sessions and notes are complete, you’ve submitted the claim with all of the proper billing...
3 Reasons Not To Credential with A LOT of Insurance Companies
Now that the mental health industry has been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, and its impact on clients, for about a year now, there...
Will Telehealth Outlast the Pandemic After a Vaccine?
The short answer to this question is, "Probably"! That is something of a non-answer based on the fact that no one can see into the...
The Future of Mental Healthcare Coverage
The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred one key question for the beginning of 2021, and that question is, "What does the future of mental...
Is Telehealth a Post-COVID Reality for Mental Health Providers?
COVID-19 has caused a revolutionary and massive acceleration in the use of telehealth tools in mental health practices. Here are some...
1 Way to Increase Your Revenue
Using measurement-based care can increase your revenue. This blog helps you do that!
2 Ways to Credential a Group Practice...And Which You Should Pick
Choosing a model of private practice can be challenging, but this blog will get you started thinking about which to choose from