
1 Way to Increase Your Revenue
Using measurement-based care can increase your revenue. This blog helps you do that!

2 Ways to Credential a Group Practice...And Which You Should Pick
Choosing a model of private practice can be challenging, but this blog will get you started thinking about which to choose from

Best Of Telehealth Episode
In this Best Of Telehealth episode, we feature four previous guests who know about running a successful virtual private practice. You...

Your Private Practice Credentialing Process
This blog is to help make credentialing simple. Credentialing is the singular limiting factor in private practice.

3 Ways To Profit Through Insurance Billing
Taking insurance can lead to a lot of waste in your private practice. It doesn't need to. Follow our model to take insurance

The 9 Most Common Health Plans
The most common health plans and what you need to know about them

Productive and Profitable Practice Focus on Workflow
Practices that focus on improving their workflow drive their profitability!

10 Tips for Collecting from Patients In Private Practice
Many clinicians struggle to collect from patients. This blog will help you increase your collections from patients

Telehealth and Insurance Best Practices
This week we had the pleasure of talking with Gordon Brewer on his podcast about #telehealth and best practices when taking insurance.

COVID Recovery Plan: What Now?
Main Points COVID has disrupted the world and private practices are asking the question, "What now?" As providers look at their recovery...