
What to Look For In a Verification of Benefits
Main Point Look out for deductible information Look out for copay information Look out for out of pocket information As you are creating...

Psychological Testing Codes vs. Neuropsychological Testing Codes
Main Points Why did the codes change in 2019 Definitions of the codes simplified The feedback codes vary between psychological and...

3 Ways to Increase Payment Velocity
Collect from your patients at the time of service and while they are in your office. Set up EFT for the insurance companies that you are in-

United Healthcare's Step-By-Step Appeal Process
Main Points Walk through the instructions for UHC's appeal process very carefully. They have specific instructions that must be followed,...

Cigna's Appeal Process Explained
Main Points Make sure that you have done all of the appropriate due diligence before starting the process. Thoroughly review the form for...

The Simplified Appeal Process for Aetna
Main Points Fill out the Aetna appeal form completely and with the most accurate information possible Make sure you send it to the...

3 Signs That Signal You Need a New Denial Management System
Main Points You need a new system to manage denials if you do not have the ability to see denial trends You need a new system to manage...

Potential Pitfalls of VOBs
Knowing the pitfalls of eligibility and benefits checks helps you to avoid payment issues in the future.

How to Explain Benefits to a Patient
Main Points When explaining benefits to a patient it is important to start with the facts When explaining benefits to a patient is is...

THIS is Why You Need Eligibility Checks
A verification of benefits (VOB) is a way to ensure the services that you render will result in payment from the insurance company