
What is an Aging Report and Why is it Useful?
Main Points An aging report is a high-level overview of the outstanding money owed to a practice It is useful because it gives you a...

3 Ways to Know When You Should Leave An Insurance Panel
As a therapist in private practice, you are no stranger to the multitudes of insurance companies that exist in the marketplace. You have...

The 9 Most Common Health Plans
The most common health plans and what you need to know about them

What is a CMS 1500 Form?
Main Points: What is a CMS 1500 Form What do all the boxes mean In the United States Healthcare system there are actually two types of...

Credentialing Series 4 of 4: Closed Panel and Denial Management
This post describes how to get on a closed panel

Credentialing Series Part 3 of 4: Group Credentialing!
Main Points It is not always easier to add providers to a group Limited-license providers are tricky and depend on states rights Benefits...

Credentialing Blog Series Part 1 of 4: What you will need to successfully credential!
Main Points Terms The complete list of information you will need to credential with insurance companies Navigating credentialing is a lot...

Get Paid with Accurate Patient Records!
Main Points Collecting all the information you need from your patients will help you to keep accurate records and collect from them what...